KidZone and ChildWatch

Wenatchee Valley YMCA

It's so fun to interact with little children - read them stories and play games - and help out the KidZone and ChildWatch staff! This is a great manner in which to accrue some volunteer hours! KidZone and ChildWatch is open in the morning and again in the later afternoon so parents can drop off their little children long enough to workout or attend a Y class.

217 Orondo Ave Wenatchee , WA 98801

To provide assistance to the KidZone and ChildWatch staff as they care for little children whose parents are attending a Y program.

For the safety of all, volunteers are asked to authorize and/or complete a few important checks and a brief training program prior to starting in your new role with us. Each volunteer is asked to provide three (3) references, authorize a background check (at the Y’s expense) and complete online training class on the importance of child abuse prevention. This onboarding process has been streamlined for your ease. As soon as this process is complete, we will reach out to welcome you as a Y volunteer and to determine a convenient date for the start of your valued volunteering at the YMCA.

KidZone and ChildWatch